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Hilux Surf (4runner) 2JZ-GE MSnSE

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 3:31 am
by em_knaps
NAME: Daniel Lucas

CAR: 1990 Hilux Surf (4Runner) ($620)

ENGINE 2JZGE from 93' Supra


Auto box fitted 2JZ-GE with just a bellhousing change.

Modified (butchered) dizzy to 6 tooth trigger to give one signal per ignition event.
Mitsi module rectifying signal from pickup.

original water and air temp sensors

MS1 V2.2
LED 17 with 330ohm pullup Triggering Standard Denso igniter (89621 26010)

runs rough but revs clean thru till 7200rpm limit
much tuning to do.

code MSnSE 029t


Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:36 am
by em_knaps
Tuned a bit better,

1st trip apart from the 5ks to my work was a 700km round trip to a national park in the center of the north island in NZ to do some 4x4ing

Performed Faultlessly apart from a random miss that has not re occured since

